Select the first letter of the English name of a country to get to the list of coins that I have from that country.

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2 Baisa (Bro) Arms | Denomination flanked by marks   AH1390 (1970) * (CSoAN, Co100N, LWCS)
100 Baisa (C-N) Arms | Denomination flanked by marks   AH1390 (1970) * (CSoAN)


5 Baisa (Bro) National arms | Denomination and date   AH1400 (1980) * (CSoAN)
                                                                                       AH1410 (1989) * (LWCS)
             (Bro clad St)              Denomination and dates    AH1429 (2008) * (LWCS)
10 Baisa (Bro) Two palms on island | Denomination (F.A.O. issue)    1975 (AH 1395) * (FAO Album 4 &  Board 5)
                        National arms | Denomination and date (F.A.O. issue)   AH1400 (1979) * (CSoAN)
                                                                                                               AH1410 (1989) * (LWCS)
             (Bro clad St)               Denomination with both dates               AH1420 (1999) * (LWCS)
                                                                                                               AH1429 (2008) * (LWCS)
25 Baisa (C-N) Arms | Denomination                                            AH1400 (1980) * (CSoAN)
                                                                                                      AH1410 (1989) * (LWCS)
                                   Denomination with both dates | Reeded    AH1420 (1999) * (LWCS)
               (N clad St)                                                                       AH1428 (2008) * (LWCS)
50 Baisa (C-N) National arms | Denomination and date                             AH1400 (1980) * (CoAN & CSoAN)
                                                                                                                    AH1418 (1997) * (LWCS)
                                                 Denomination with both dates | Reeded    AH1420 (1999) * (LWCS)
100 Baisa (C-N) National arms | Denomination and date    AH1404 (1984) * (CSoAN)
1/4 Rial (Al-Bro) National arms and dates | Denomination    AH1400 (1980) * (CSoAN)
1/2 Rial (Al-Bro) National arms and dates | Denomination    AH1400 (1980) * (CSoAN)

Updated 9/11/19

Select the first letter of the English name of a country to get to the list of coins that I have from that country.

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